Hodnotenie témy:
- 0 Hlasov - 0 Priemer
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01-02-2013, 10:42
(Tento príspevok bol naposledy zmenený: 01-02-2013 10:50 od miseno.)
Príspevkov: 10
Pripojený(a): Dec 2012
Hodnotenie: 0
Rules for posts
General rules:
- post has to be meaningful with regard to the topic,
- avoid the unsuitable and vulgar words in post,
- avoid propagation of racist and extremist movements,
- don’t put the source, which is under authorial law.
Post content:
- post must be described clearly and briefly,
- may contain source code that will help to solve the problem,
- may not be a request for a complete assignment solution,
- can serve as a help to solve the assignment, as long as the author approaches to the solution of the assignment actively.
Links and attachments:
- post as well as the author's signature should not contain links to third party which are not related with the focus of the forum,
- posts must not contain attachments that are not related to the solution of the problem,
- prefer websites for storage resources (and linking) prior to uploading attachments to the forum because of the size and speed of the forum.
Violation of conditions can lead to deletion of an account or a post with or without notice.